Departments > Registrar of Voters
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- Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
- Assessor's Office
- Capital Projects
- Chief Administrator's Office (CAO)
- City Council
- City Planning Commission
- Civil District Court
- Civil Service Commission
- Clerk of Council
- Code Enforcement
- Communications
- Coroner's Office
- Criminal Justice Coordination
- Cultural Economy
- 911 (Orleans Parish Communication District)
- City Attorney's Office
- Coastal and Environmental Affairs
- Community Development
- Economic Development
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Employees' Municipal Retirement System (NOMERS)
- External Data Source
- Finance
- Fire Department (NOFD)
- French Market
- Hazard Mitigation Office
- Health Department
- Historic District Landmarks Commission
- Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP)
- Human Relations Commission
- Human Services
- Information Technology and Innovation
- Mayor's Office
- Mosquito Termite & Rodent Control Board (NOMTCB)
- Municipal Court
- Municipal Yacht Harbor
- Neighborhood Engagement
- New Orleans Advisory Task Force (NOATF)
- New Orleans Interagency Council on Homelessness (NOICH)
- New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORDC)
- New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA)
- One Stop Shop
- Orleans Parish Communication Division (911)
- Parks and Parkways
- Performance and Accountability (OPA)
- Police Department (NOPD)
- Police Secondary Employment
- Property Management
- Public Library
- Public Library
- Public Works (DPW)
- Public Works (Parking Division)
- Purchasing
- Registrar of Voters
- Revenue
- Safety and Permits
- Sanitation
- Sheriff's Office (OPSO)
- Supplier Diversity
- Taxicab & For Hire Bureau
- Traffic Court
- Treasury
- Vieux Carré Commission
- Youth Study Center
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- car camera
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- council district d
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- curb lines
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- drug store
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- orleans parish
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- school zone
- seafood
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- sheriff sales
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- sunday
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- tracker
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- voting
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- web development
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- wifi
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- active
- addresses
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- blockgroup
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- camera
- case
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- data
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- hearings
- hotel
- inspection
- inspections
- markets
- national register
- old file
- printing
- real estate
- redevelopment
- resident
- restaurant
- roads
- service
- short term rental
- short-term rentals
- store
- tabulation
- tract
- traffic
- traffic camera
- transportation
- use of force
- zcta
- zip code
- adjudication
- alcohol
- archive
- city jobs
- city of new orleans
- civil service
- hearing
- land use
- landmarks
- mpm
- obes
- parking
- permit
- vcc
- abo
- calls
- city council
- dpw
- hdlc
- historic
- historic district
- requests
- cpc
- inventory
- nora
- planning
- public safety
- resultsnola
- 1990
- 311
- revenue
- str
- violation
- blightstatus
- boundaries
- legacy
- nopd
- blight
- code enforcement
- mva
- new orleans
- business
- license
- census
- egis
- zoning
- permits
- calls for service
- electronic police report
- epr
- crime
- police
Boundaries of Orleans Parish voting precincts as defined by the New Orleans City Charter. New Orleans voting precincts are drawn according to the New Orleans Home Rule Charter as required by the State of Louisiana. A precinct is defined in the state of Louisiana's election code as the smallest political unit of a ward having defined geographical boundaries. Precinct boundaries were updated September 25, 2015, in order to satisfy population changes discovered by the Orleans Registrar of Voters Office. The changes have been made by the City of New Orleans and verified by the Louisiana Secretary of State's Office. Information about voter registation can be found here:
State Law
RS 18:532. Establishment of precincts
A. Subject to the provisions of R.S. 18:532.1 and 1903, the governing authority of each parish shall establish precincts, define the territorial limits for which each precinct is established, prescribe their boundaries, and designate the precincts. The governing authority of each parish shall by ordinance adopt the establishment and boundaries of each precinct in accordance with the timetable as set forth herein and in accordance with R.S. 18:532.1.
B.(1)(a) Each precinct shall be a contiguous, compact area having clearly defined and clearly observable boundaries coinciding with visible features readily distinguishable on the ground and approved extensions of such features, such as designated highways, roads, streets, rivers, or canals, and depicted on United States Bureau of the Census base maps for the next federal decennial census, except where the precinct boundary is coterminous with the boundary of a parish or an incorporated place when the boundaries of a single precinct contain the entire geographic area of the incorporated place. Except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph, on and after July 1, 1997, any precinct boundary which does not coincide with a visible feature shall be changed by the parish governing authority to coincide with a visible feature in accordance with R.S. 18:532.1.
(b) For the purposes of this Paragraph, the term "approved extension" shall mean an extension of one visible feature to another visible feature which has been approved by the secretary of the Senate and the clerk of the House of Representatives or their designees and which is or which will be a census tabulation boundary.
(2) No precinct shall be wholly contained within the territorial boundaries of another precinct, except that a precinct which contains the entire geographical area of an incorporated place and in which the total number of registered voters at the last general election was less than three hundred may be so contained.
(3) No precinct shall contain more than two thousand two hundred registered voters within its geographic boundaries. Within thirty days after the completion of each canvass, the registrar of voters of each parish shall notify the parish governing authority of every precinct in the parish which contains more than two thousand two hundred registered voters within its geographic boundaries. Within sixty days of such notification, the parish governing authority shall divide such precincts by a visible feature in accordance with R.S. 18:532.1.
(4)(a) No precinct shall contain less than three hundred registered voters within its geographical boundaries, except:
(i) When necessary to make it more convenient for voters in a geographically isolated and unincorporated area to vote. A voter in a geographically isolated and unincorporated area shall mean a voter whose residen